Website Editors Wanted

Here at The Conversations Network we used to recruit website editors and audio engineers on an ongoing basis, but we’ve had such a terrific team for so long, that I can’t even recall the last time I had to put out the word for new volunteers. Now, with a bit of attrition in the ranks of both our website editors and series producers and a new channel on the way, it’s time to add to the team once again.

If you’d like to help us write descriptions for our programs, track down and crop photos and sync the occasional slideshow, here’s your chance. Ours is an all-volunteer organization although we do pay wine money (a little more than beer money) thanks to donations from our paid members. It’s not enough for you to quit your day job, but you’ll get a whopping US$15 for each description you write – US$25 if you also sync a presentation’s slides to the audio.

You’ll find details on TeamITC (as we call it for historical reasons) and our Apprenticeship Program on The Conversations Network web site.

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