Bush’s War

Must-see TV on a two-part Frontline (PBS), Monday and Tuesday night: Bush’s War.

Also on Monday, Terry Gross interviews Frontline producer Michael Kirk on Fresh Air.

And supporting the broadcast online:

Across the entire four-hour Bush’s War series that will be streamed online, FRONTLINE will integrate and embed in its video player an array of related interviews, background material and video that can be viewed with just a click. In addition, more than 100 video clips of key moments and events in the Iraq war will be the centerpiece of an annotated master chronology which FRONTLINE will publish on the Bush’s War site.
The interviews, video and background material are drawn from one of the richest archives in broadcast journalism: FRONTLINE’s 40+ hours of documentaries and 400 interviews done since 9/11 on Iraq and the war on terror, as well as new interviews conducted for Bush’s War

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